Kevin Hooke is an experienced investment banker who has over 30 years experience in corporate finance. Most recently, he was Head of Investment Banking at Laurentian Bank Securities. Prior to that appointment he was a founding partner, Director and Head of Investment Banking of Wellington West Capital Inc.
Kevin has played a major role in advancing Winnipeg’s capital markets and funding the growth of many local success stories. Throughout his career he has been responsible for raising over $5 billion of debt and equity capital for both private and public companies across numerous industry sectors, with a particular emphasis in real estate.
Kevin studied at the University of Manitoba where he received his Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree in 1981 and was a Sessional Lecturer in the Department of Finance and in the School of Architecture for eleven years. He also was a contributing author to FINANCING PROSPERITY- CANADIAN SMALL BUSINESS CASES AND ISSUES, published by the Canadian Bankers Association. Presently, he sits on the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors of CentrePort Canada Inc.